Monday, December 12, 2011

Week 3+Last week of classes=no sleep

Monday: 7 hours sleep

                Rest Day. I cut the tip of my finger off last night while chopping garlic.  I might get it looked at so it doesn’t end up interfering with swimming.  I really need to be less excited about preparing food.

Tuesday: 5 hours sleep

                So I ended up staying awake until midnight last night (reading the second Hunger Games) and then had to get up at 5 to swim.  I also made to poor choice of having a Costco-sized bag of Kashi cereal next to me while reading, and managed to consume about half of it.  On the plus side I didn’t need to eat anything before swimming, and the downside, my stomach has been feeling weird all morning.  So now for my workouts: 2500 yards of straight swimming and 45 minutes of running in Z2.  The swimming took ~45 minutes, which corresponds to 1:17 for 2.4 miles.  My goal is 1:20, but I made this my goal pretty arbitrarily, so I’m glad to know it isn’t completely unreasonable.  Swimming also felt really good this morning; there were a few laps towards the end when each stroke felt completely natural and powerful.  So far this has only happened for a stroke or two at a time, so I was pretty excited about it.  Also, Eminem’s “Lose Yourself” was playing on the radio when I was driving to swimming, which was great, because it’s the soundtrack to most of the motivational Ironman videos on Youtube.  Oh, and with some Neosporin and water-proof Band-Aids my finger was just fine in the pool.
                Running was uneventful; I did it on the track at the field house.  The amount of people-watching you get to do on an indoor track is great, it kept me really entertained.  Plus I had to avoid all the people who didn’t understand the concept of following arrows, which was fun.

Wednesday: 5 hours sleep

                I was up late last night studying, so I did my short brick (30 min bike to 15 min run) in between classes.  I was freaking out all morning because Stella’s (my car) brakes started scraping and grinding last night.  I’m convinced she knew I had been lusting after the new Outbacks and is trying to get back at me.  Anyway, I was much less stressed out once I finished my workout, and Stella is now on her way to an auto shop.  Hopefully it’s something simple; Ironman is taking all my money so there’s not any room for expensive repairs or car payments.  Given that it’s my last week of classes my stress level isn’t that high.  I’ve got two homework assignments due and a quiz to take on Friday, but have a pretty good start on those already.
                Update: Stella is fine, a bolt on the CV axle that was replaced this summer needed tightening, and luckily I hadn’t driven her enough to damage anything else.

Thursday: 6 hours sleep

                 Went to bed early (10:30) last night but had to get up at 4:30 to start something in lab before going swimming.  Repeated my first swim workout (300 wu, 6 x 50 drill, 12 x 100 yrds and 2 x 50 drill/cd).  I pushed myself more than usual on my main workout, but I find myself slacking on the drills and cool-downs.  I’m supposed to 8 x 50 drill at the beginning, 6 x 50 at the end and a 200 yard cool down, but a) I get bored doing that same drills that many times in a row, b) my calves want to cramp doing the drills with flippers at the end of my workout, c) the drills are essentially a cool-down and d) I usually have to go to the bathroom by that time and it seems pointless to get back in the pool for a few laps.  Maybe I’ll lengthen my main set a little to make up for it.  I also learned that I have much less motivation on the bike in the afternoons.  All I had to do was 45 min of high RPM (100+/min) spinning at a low heart rate and I kept sitting up or pausing pedaling for a few seconds, just because I was bored and couldn’t focus.  I think in general I felt a little unmotivated this week.  I didn’t do any circuit weights, partially because I was so busy with school but I could have made it work if I had really wanted to. My diet was also complete crap this week, mostly because I tend to snack uncontrollably when I’m up late studying.  So overall I felt a little guilty about my behavior.  Oh well, I’m done with classes tomorrow so I’ll have plenty of time to get back on track next week.

Friday: 5.5 hours sleep

                I was up late doing homework and eating chocolate-covered rice crispy treats but at least both homework assignments got done.  I definitely failed the quiz I took since I had no time to study for it after doing the problem sets.  It sounds like everyone else feels about the same though, so my overall grade should still be okay (I have to get a B- in every class and maintain a B average to stay in the program).  I went for a 60 min run in the afternoon.  It was great, the sun was out and it was in the mid-20’s, which felt perfect.  My run was about half on a pretty steep downhill and the other half coming back up.  I had to give up on staying in Z2 for that part, otherwise I would’ve been walking the whole way.  I finally decided that I can’t keep avoiding hills just because it gets my heart rate too high.  I’ll probably do plenty of runs on the track with a consistent HR to ensure that I have a good low-aerobic threshold.   

Saturday: 8 hours sleep

                 I didn’t set an alarm this morning!  I was up until around 1 AM reading the third Hunger Games but still woke up at 9:30.  I did my long bike ride (1:45) during the Kona highlight show, which was great fun.  I don’t think it’s necessarily biking in the afternoons that I have trouble with, its biking on a full stomach and making myself push through the first 10 or 20 minutes until I find a good rhythm.  Once my legs and back are warmed up I really enjoy biking, I just hate every minute before that point.  I guess I used to feel the same way with running, I just find my rhythm a lot sooner now.  I’m guessing this will happen with biking soon enough.  
Sunday: 11 hours sleep

                One nice thing about training in winter: you can sleep in and it won’t be too hot to run.  The nice thing about training over winter break: you can completely ignore your alarm and not be stressed out about your run taking away from your study time.  Regardless, my hour-long Z1-Z2 run felt pretty challenging this morning.  I think it was a combination of poor air quality, being around a dog last night  and coming off a couple of hard back to back days; between running pretty fast downhill on Friday and pushing myself on the bike yesterday, the muscles on the front of my shins were pretty sore. 

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